In our June 16th Blog we focused on the wildfires in Colorado, as ourWindswept Weathered Wood product is derived from beetle kill and or blue-stain trees that have been steadily dying in the Rocky Mountain regions. These dead or dying trees continue to be a major contributor to wildfire, they encompass hundreds of square miles and they represent prime targets for continued devisatation.
Please view the video link that details this unfolding story in tragic detail, it is entitled“Pray for Colorado”. We believe this compelling video shares this tragic saga as a worth while share. Beetle kill forests do not have enough demand to cycle this wood into production areas, thus the potential to eliminate a larger percentage of this fire hazard remains.
We are proud that our Windswept Weathered Wood product utilizes these trees most deem unusable, fashioning an environmentally friendly product that never existed before; the Eco benefits are enormous and long-term.
Please keep these people and communities in your thoughts and prayers. Feel free to share this video.
Glen Ehrhardt, Business Development
PO Box 59
Lakebay, WA 98349
p. 253.884.6255
Email windswept.rep@gmail.com
Web www.harvest-timber.com