FIRE INFORMATION ARCHIVEOne of the most visible effects of the MPB is the annuals summer fire season, fueled in large part from beetle-killed trees. This archive is designed to help you find specific information by state or fire, and sign up for fire and other weather emergencies in your area.Windswept has helped to generate a new category of environmental sustainable in that we claim unused, unwanted virgin standing dead (or dying) timber that otherwise would be carbon released into the atmosphere. Windswept adds style, sophistication and practicality to what designers have long called for ~ a reclaimed appearance with the stability and structural integrity of new wood backed by industry associations, and at nearly half the investment of reclaimed woods with minimal waste. This combined with our warm Eco-Story allows a fresh environmental chronicle. Beetle-kill forest from the Colorado Rocky Mountain regions is what is utilized in the rustic wood appearance of Windswept Weathered Wood products. This New-Sustainable resource of fiber is truly the Eco-Story of the year. Epidemic outbreaks of native mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae; MPB) populations have affected over 1.6 million have affected a large area of predominantly lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) forests in Colorado and southern Wyoming since 1996. Policy makers, forest managers, and the public are concerned that resulting tree mortality will increase fire risk (probability of fire occurrence) and fire hazard (amount and configuration of flammable fuels, and resulting fire behavior), threatening communities in the wildland-urban interface, key watersheds, and recreation-based tourism for decades to come. As the director of business development, please feel free to contact me directly as I would like to assist you personally. Glen Ehrhardt, Business Development Windswept Weathered Wood PO Box 59 Lakebay, WA 98349 P. (253) 884-6255 F. (253) 884-6256 Email windswept.rep@gmail.com |