I just attended a great Webinar put on by Blue Tangerine Solutions in conjunction with Group Two Advertising’s president Mollie Elkman. Mollie spent a half hour sharing some of the most valuable information available on “How To” and “Why” any company but in particular home builders can no longer ignore social networking sites such as You Tube, Twitter and Facebook as a critical part of their marketing strategies. Some of the main points I jotted down were as follows:
You can only learn this by doing it. Don’t be afraid, just jump in and give it your best.
Consider your Strategy and make a plan for how you’re going to make a connection with people.
Think like your prospects and use their language.
Give them a voice. Don’t worry about negative feedback. Instead look at it as an opportunity to improve your company.
Be creative about encouraging responses. Offer incentives. Encourage feedback. (i.e. contests, prizes, offers, etc.)
Let your web site be the core of your network. Including links to You Tube, Facebook and Twitter lets your customer know that your content is fresh and exciting.
The statistics are overwhelming. 400 million Facebook users. 432 years worth of You Tube video uploaded. 3 million tweets a day.
To listen to this and other great webinars for free go towww.bluetangerinesolutions.com/index.cfm?method=Webinar.WebinarHistory
Also, Mollie has a Blog called Modern Marketing atwww.builderonline.com/blogs/postdetails.aspx?=blogid=melkmanblog&postid=91293